Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What color is our DNA

Well, DNA is not something you can see with the naked eye. However if you could grab a sizable chunk and pick it out with the naked eye it would certainly be a transparent to white color and viscous in nature. This is mainly due to the long chains of polymers and bonds that together make up the macromolecule.

 A few interesting facts about DNA:

1. Because of the inherent limitations in the DNA mechanisms, if humans lived long enough, they would eventually develop cancer.
2. Hydrogen peroxide (in concentrated amounts) can damage the DNA structure so badly that it can erase the code structure by unwinding the double helix. But worry not, the concentrations of your household hydrogen peroxide are so minute that won't cause anything other than erasing bacteria around your mouth.
3. DNA occurs as linear Chromosomes in Eukaryotes and circular Chromosomes in Prokaryotes.
4. DNA was fully embraced as the macromolecule of life in 1853 when Watson and Crick  suggested the double-helix model in the journal Nature.


  1. Watson and Crick conducted their experiments at 1953. This is why you shouldn't trust internet sources...

    1. The OP never said otherwise. What are you getting at?

    2. Getting at common sense. Do you think they could do that in 1853? DNA wasn't even discovered in 1853. Mischer discovered it in 1869 I think, and twenty years later Altmann names it nucleic acid. He has a good point, always proofread everything on internet. Have a good day.

    3. Getting at common sense. Do you think they could do that in 1853? DNA wasn't even discovered in 1853. Mischer discovered it in 1869 I think, and twenty years later Altmann names it nucleic acid. He has a good point, always proofread everything on internet. Have a good day.

  2. More mistakes. It was Rosalind Franklin who took the photograph 51 which lead to understanding the structure. She did all the work. And based on that photo Watson and Crick took the credit.
